
Average Attorney Fees for Filing Chapter 7 & Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

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Average Attorney Fees for Filing Chapter 7 & Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

By Marc A. Lieberman, Esq.

The fees for a bankruptcy attorney in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 may vary significantly in Los Angeles. Due to the rapid inflation of filing fees and credit counseling fees in 2022, the overall cost has increased.

If you are preparing to file for a bankruptcy then you would surely like to know the cost. Well, to make it simpler, we can define the cost of bankruptcy in two parts -Bankruptcy Attorney Fees, Bankruptcy Filing Costs.

Here we are discussing the overall cost of filing for bankruptcy. Also, we will provide some tips to reduce the cost by hiring the best attorney to file the case.

How Much Does Filing For Bankruptcy Cost?

Once you have reached a point where there is no other option left other than declaring bankruptcy then you should immediately go for counseling and plan to hire a bankruptcy attorney to plan with minimal losses.

A bankruptcy declaration may allow you to start over after suffering financial losses. You can get free from burdensome debts and nagging bill collectors if you plan wisely.

Hiring an experienced attorney will make a significant difference in cutting costs. The bankruptcy laws state that individuals with business debts can file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy, depending on the business situation.

The cost of filing bankruptcy varies considering the type, size, and complexity of the case. The bankruptcy fee is divided into filing court fees and attorneys fees. The typical fee structure for Los Angeles is:


Filing Fees

Estimated Attorney Fee


Chapter 7




Chapter 13




Chapter 11




With this basic structure, you can plan the bankruptcy case to overcome your debts.

Also Read: How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in California

Factors Affecting Bankruptcy And Types Of Bankruptcies

Bankruptcy fees assessed by bankruptcy attorneys vary greatly depending on several factors. The individual’s position might fluctuate depending on the case. Here are certain factors directly impacting the cost of filing a bankruptcy case:

Location of Bankruptcy Filing

The bankruptcy case filing cost varies from state to state in the US. The cost of bankruptcy in Los Angeles is different from the cost of San Diago. Also, the availability of attorneys affects the overall cost.

The Complexity of Your Bankruptcy Case

The complexity of the case is directly measured by evaluating one’s financial situation. The creditor’s amount, list of assets, list of earning sources, and total income resources – all these will decide the cost of bankruptcy case filing.

Individual or Business Bankruptcy Filing

If you ( individual) are filing a bankruptcy , you don’t need to hire an attorney. You can file an individual bankruptcy. Even the small -scale businesses having assets below $25000 can save on attorneys cost. The businesses having more than this limit have to hire an attorney for filing bankruptcy.

Personal Credit History

If you have experienced bankruptcy in the past then this becomes a major cost-adding factor. The procedure of filing might differ. The true financial position needs to be revealed in this case.

The long-term Cost Impact on Business Bankruptcy

Beyond the immediate cost of bankruptcy, it will greatly impact your future business and the amount of discharged income. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your credit score falls for the next 10 years.

Bad credit scores will not allow you to take loans to re-establish your business. In this case, if a lender agrees to give you a loan, he will take a higher interest rate.

Bankruptcy may help you overcome financial losses, but it might also put your business at risk, so you need a good strategy and the right type of bankruptcy.

How To Minimize Bankruptcy Costs And Effects

If your business venture has failed and you don’t know what to do? You need to consult a bankruptcy law firm for quality assistance. For example, if your income is below the poverty level, you may get a fees waiver from the court. Similarly, you can choose easy payment methods or payment in installments to creditors to settle down your debts.

Attorney Fee Challenges

The bankruptcy and associates from the leading law firm know how to successfully handle attorney fee challenges in the bankruptcy context.

  • After a thorough study of the case under section 506(b) and 11 U.S.C. § 328(a), the bankruptcy attorney fee is charged. To minimize the attorney’s fee, you should consider the following tips.
  • One should plan bankruptcy options by consulting an experienced attorney. Business owners must consider all the options with an open mindset Before filing bankruptcy petitions, you should know the best type of bankruptcy suiting your requirements such as chapter 7 business bankruptcy.
  • Also, discuss the consequences of bankruptcy on your future business. The state bar associations and local and regional free legal clinics provide obligation-free consultation. You should not leave this opportunity.
  • It is always more economical to hire an attorney on a flat-fee basis rather than consulting with them on an hourly basis.

How To Hire the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Los Angeles?

Having a financial loss in business is not a personal failure. The wise people immediately file for bankruptcy and try to rebuild their businesses quickly. The low cost of bankruptcy is the main concern of clients while filing a bankruptcy case. Here are some tips to help you find the best bankruptcy attorney nearby:

  • Look for a top-ties service providing a low-cost quality solution.
  • Find an attorney that can ensure guarantee discharge.
  • Find out if the law firm provides easy payment options.
  • Do the attorneys have prior experience in filing for bankruptcy

Is the law firm aware of the state laws or not? For example, the best attorney from New York will not be able to provide the best solution. However, when filing a bankruptcy in Los Angeles, you need a local attorney.

The law firm must have a strategy to get the maximum discharge under the bankruptcy code at a minimum cost.

Request Your Free Consultation!

Are you struggling with overwhelming debt in Los Angeles? Our experienced bankruptcy attorney, specializing in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11, is here to provide the guidance and support you need.

Navigating the complexities of bankruptcy can be daunting, but with our expertise in liquidation and reorganization, we tailor solutions to your unique financial situation.

Don’t let debt control your life any longer. Take the first step towards a fresh start by contacting us today for a confidential consultation. Act now and reclaim your financial freedom.

At FLP Law Group, we provide a free consultation to people exploring bankruptcy options to overcome their financial losses!

Expert Advice on Filing Bankruptcy


Visit our FLP Law Group LLP office today