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How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in California – 2024 Guide

Bankruptcy can lower your credit score, but it’s possible to rebuild it. Learn how bankruptcy affects the credit score. Tips on how to recover and rebuild credit. Read this guide for valuable information.

How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in California - 2023 Guide

By Marc A. Lieberman, Esq.

Are you drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet? Filing for Chapter 7 business bankruptcy could be the viable solution you need to get a fresh start. But where do you begin? How do you navigate the complex legal process?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through the basics of Chapter 7 Business Bankruptcy and How to File it? From determining if you’re eligible to understanding the legal requirements, we’ll provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. 

After reading this guide on how to file chapter 7 bankruptcy in California, you’ll have a better understanding of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process and be equipped with the knowledge to move forward with confidence. So, let’s get started.

Overview of Chapter 7 Business Bankruptcy

How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy


Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as a “liquidation” bankruptcy, is a legal process that allows individuals and businesses to discharge certain types of unsecured debt and get a fresh start financially. It involves the liquidation of non-exempt assets in order to pay off creditors. 

Upon selling these assets, the proceeds are distributed among the creditors in accordance with the bankruptcy code. In order to be eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, individuals must pass a means test which compares their income to the state median income. If their income is below the median, they will likely qualify for Chapter 7. 

Once a petition is lodged, the court designates a trustee to supervise the case and arranges a meeting with the creditors. The automatic stay goes into effect to protect the debtor from collection efforts by creditors while the case is pending. After the liquidation of assets and distribution of proceeds to creditors, certain types of debts are discharged, providing the debtor with a fresh start.

Eligibility Requirements For Filing Chapter 7 in California

To be eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, individuals must pass a means test. The means test compares the individual’s income to the state median income for a household of their size. 

If the individual’s income is below the median, they will likely qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If the individual’s income is above the median, they may still be able to file for Chapter 7, but they will have to go through additional steps to prove that they have insufficient income to repay their debts through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan.

Also Read – When A Debtor Can Obtain A Discharge In A Chapter 13 Case?

In addition to the means test, there are other eligibility requirements for filing Chapter 7 in California:

  • The individual or business must not have had a previous bankruptcy case dismissed within the past 180 days for certain reasons such as not completing the credit counseling course or not appearing at the meeting of creditors.
  • The individual or business must complete a credit counseling course before filing for bankruptcy.
  • Certain types of debts, such as taxes, student loans, and child support, are not dischargeable in Chapter 7 bankruptcy and must be paid off before filing.

It’s important to consult with a chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in Los Angeles to know whether you qualify for Chapter 7 in California and if it’s the right option for you.

Chapter 7  Bankruptcy Filing Process in California

Bankruptcy Filing Process in California

Navigating the complex process of bankruptcy filing in California entails a series of crucial steps, each requiring careful attention to detail. From gathering the necessary documentation to attending the pivotal meeting of creditors, the process demands upkeep and adherence to legal protocols.

1. Determine Eligibility

To file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, individuals must first pass a means test, which compares their income to the median income for their household size in California. If their income is below the median, they are generally eligible to file for Chapter 7. If their income is above the median, they may still be eligible depending on their expenses and other factors.

2. Credit Counseling

To initiate the process of filing for bankruptcy, it is crucial that you partake in a mandatory credit counseling session within 180 days before filing. During this session, you will meet with a credit counselor to discuss your financial situation and determine whether you can handle your debts without resorting to bankruptcy relief. It is mandatory to provide evidence of having completed this counseling session in order to proceed with your bankruptcy filing. Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of your case.

3. Meeting With Attorney

The process of bankruptcy is complex, and it can be challenging to navigate without the knowledge and expertise of an attorney. It’s recommended to bring your financial information to a business bankruptcy attorney in Los Angeles who has experience in this field. 

By discussing your situation with an attorney, they can assist you in deciding whether bankruptcy is the best option for you or if there is a better debt management strategy available. Moreover, they can help determine if you meet the qualifications to file under Chapter 7. In case you do not meet the qualifications, you may need to file under Chapter 13.

4. File For Bankruptcy

Your attorney will prepare the necessary paperwork and file it with the court. The bankruptcy filing will include information about all of your debts and creditors. Furthermore, it will include a rundown of your assets, your earnings and expenditures, and specific financial transactions conducted in the previous few years.

Upon filing for bankruptcy, you will be entitled to the protection of the automatic stay. The automatic stay is implemented to prevent creditors from making any attempts to collect debts from you during the bankruptcy process. 

This is to guarantee that all of your financial affairs are handled exclusively through the bankruptcy court, with no interference from creditors outside of the system. Upon filing, the creditors that you’ve listed in your bankruptcy documents will be informed of your situation. They need to know both so they can be involved in the process and so they don’t violate the automatic stay.

5. Attend the Meeting of Creditors

Upon successful filing of the petition and schedules, the individual or business is obliged to participate in the crucial meeting of creditors, commonly known as the “341 meeting.” At this meeting, the trustee appointed by the court will ask questions about their assets, debts, and financial situation. Creditors may also attend the meeting and ask questions, but this is rare in most cases.

6. Complete a Debtor Education Class

Upon submitting your bankruptcy petition and associated documents, it will be necessary to complete an additional class. This class is referred to as a Debtor Education Class and must be approved by the court. Upon finishing the class, you will be required to submit a B23 form indicating your completion to the court.  

Typically, the court will mail you the B23 form that must be completed and filed after you have finished the Debtor Education Class. In the event that you have an attorney, they will likely file the B23 form with the court once you have successfully finished the class. However, if you fail to submit both the B23 form and your Financial Management Certificate, your bankruptcy case will not be discharged. For this reason, it is important to file these forms as soon as possible.

7. The Discharge of Debts

After the liquidation of assets and distribution of proceeds to creditors, the court will issue a discharge of certain types of debts, providing the individual or business with a fresh start.

The Automatic Stay and its Impact on Creditors

The automatic stay is a legal protection that goes into effect as soon as an individual or business files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It is designed to protect the debtor with a temporary reprieve from creditors’ collection efforts while the bankruptcy case is pending.

The automatic stay prohibits creditors from taking any action to collect a debt, including

  • Filing or continuing a lawsuit
  • Garnishing wages or bank accounts
  • Foreclosing on a home
  • Repossessing a vehicle
  • Sending collection letters or making phone calls

The automatic stay also applies to government agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or state tax authorities, and stops them from taking action to collect taxes, penalties, or interest.

It’s important to note that the automatic stay is not permanent, and it may be lifted or modified in some circumstances. For example, if the debtor has filed multiple bankruptcy cases in the recent past, the automatic stay may be lifted. Also, if the debtor has a pending eviction proceeding, the stay will not prevent the landlord from proceeding with the eviction.

An automatic stay is a powerful tool that provides debtors with breathing room during the bankruptcy process. However, it’s important to understand that it is not a permanent solution to debt problems and that certain types of debts and actions can be excluded from the stay.

Liquidation of Assets and the Role of the Trustee in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

In the realm of bankruptcy, specifically Chapter 7, the intricate process of liquidating assets takes center stage. This process entails selling off non-exempt assets in order to satisfy creditors. 

The proceeds garnered from the sale are then allocated among the creditors in a predetermined order of priority as outlined by the bankruptcy code. A trustee, who is appointed by the court, assumes the responsibility of overseeing and managing the case.

The role of the trustee for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is to:

  1. Identifying and taking possession of assets that are not protected by exemptions, meaning they can be sold off to pay off debts.
  2. Selling the assets and distributing the generated proceeds to the creditors in a manner that aligns with the established priority.
  3. Delving into the debtor’s financial affairs to ensure that all assets have been fully disclosed and that no attempts have been made to conceal or transfer any assets.
  4. Attending the meeting of creditors and interrogating the debtor regarding their assets and debts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.
  5. Raising objections to any exemptions claimed by the debtor that are not permissible under the specific laws of California.

It’s crucial to understand that specific properties may enjoy safeguarding against liquidation through exemptions. Exemptions are legal provisions that allow to keep certain assets, such as their home, car, and personal property, even if they are not fully paid off. In California, debtors can choose between state exemptions or federal exemptions. 

The role of the trustee in managing assets during bankruptcy is crucial. They have the authority to abandon assets that are deemed worthless or too costly to sell, considering the potential proceeds. 

The liquidation of assets and the role of the trustee can be complex and it’s recommended to consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you navigate the process and protect your assets.

Discharge of Debts and Exemptions in Chapter 7

Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides a legal pathway for debtors to eliminate specific types of unsecured debts, relieving them of the responsibility to repay those debts. However, it’s important to note that not all debts are eligible for discharge, including taxes, student loans, and child support.

Conversely, when someone owes money to creditors and can’t pay it back, there are laws called exemptions that protect certain assets from being taken away to pay off the debt. These assets could include a home, a car, or personal belongings that haven’t been fully paid off. In California, there are two sets of exemptions available to debtors: state and federal. The debtor can choose which set of exemptions they want to use.

It’s important to note that exemptions and discharge of debts are separate concepts; the former protects assets from liquidation while the latter eliminates certain types of unsecured debt. Navigating these processes can be complex and it’s recommended to seek the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

The Impact of Chapter 7 on Credit Scores and Future Finances

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can have a significant impact on an individual’s credit score and future finances. A bankruptcy filing will remain on an individual’s credit report for up to 10 years and can lower their credit score by 200-300 points. This can make it more difficult and more expensive to obtain credit in the future, such as a mortgage or car loan.

However, filing for bankruptcy can also provide a fresh start for individuals who are struggling with overwhelming debt. After a bankruptcy discharge, individuals no longer have the legal obligation to pay off certain types of debt, which can free up money for other expenses.

It’s also important to note that credit scores can start to recover soon after the bankruptcy is discharged. With time, consistent on-time payments and good credit history can help to improve credit scores. But, it’s recommended to consult with a financial advisor or credit counselor before making a decision to file for bankruptcy.

Next Steps After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a powerful legal tool that can provide relief from overwhelming debt for individuals and businesses. The process involves the liquidation of non-exempt assets and the discharge of certain types of unsecured debt. However, it’s important to understand that filing for bankruptcy can have a significant impact on an individual’s credit score and future finances.

If you are considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in California, it’s important to take the following next steps:

  • Consult With a Bankruptcy Attorney: An experienced attorney can help you understand the process, explain your rights, and help you navigate the complex legal system.
  • Attend Credit Counseling: You are required to attend credit counseling before filing for bankruptcy. This course will provide you with information on budgeting, credit, and alternatives to bankruptcy.
  • Gather Your Financial Information: You will need to provide the court with detailed information about your income, expenses, assets, and debts.
  • File Your Petition: Once you have completed the credit counseling and gathered your financial information, you can file your petition with the court.
  • Complete the Financial Management Course: After the filing of the bankruptcy petition but before the discharge is granted, you are required to complete a financial management course.
  • Rebuild Your Credit: After the bankruptcy is discharged, it’s important to start rebuilding your credit by making on-time payments, keeping your credit card balances low, and avoiding unnecessary new credit.

It’s important to remember that filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision and should not be taken lightly. It’s recommended to seek professional guidance from a financial advisor before making a decision to file for bankruptcy.

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