#1 Marina Del Rey Business Bankruptcy Attorneys

FLP Law Group LLP
Top Rated Business Bankruptcy Attorneys in Marina del Rey, CA


At FLP Law Group, we specialize in providing expert legal assistance for businesses facing financial challenges in Marina del Rey, CA. Our experienced business bankruptcy attorneys are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of bankruptcy law, offering personalized solutions tailored to your unique situation. Whether you need guidance on Chapter 7 liquidation, Chapter 11 reorganization, or alternatives like loan workouts, we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards financial recovery. The firm has received the highest possible rating of “AV” for both quality and integrity from the authoritative Martindale Hubbell listing of law firms and attorneys.

How It Works: Our 4-Step Process to Resolve Your Debt Concerns

At our Law Firm, we have developed a streamlined 4-step process to help businesses in Marina del Rey, CA, resolve their debt issues efficiently:

  • Initial Consultation: We start with a thorough consultation to understand your financial situation and explore all available options.
  • Debt Evaluation: Our team evaluates your debts and financial obligations to identify the best legal strategy.
  • Customized Plan: We develop a personalized plan, whether it’s Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or a loan workout.
  • Implementation and Support: We assist in implementing the plan and provide ongoing support to ensure your business’s financial recovery.

Los Angeles Business Bankruptcy Lawyers | Expert Debt Reorganization & Relief

Navigating financial difficulties can be daunting, but our team of seasoned business bankruptcy lawyers in Marina del Rey is here to provide expert guidance and support. Specializing in debt reorganization and relief, we offer comprehensive legal services tailored to your business’s specific needs. Whether you’re considering Chapter 7 liquidation, Chapter 11 reorganization, or seeking alternatives like loan workouts, our dedicated attorneys will develop a strategic plan to help you regain financial stability and protect your business’s future. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in overcoming your debt challenges.

Chapter 7

Chapter 11

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as liquidation bankruptcy, is designed for businesses that cannot continue operations due to overwhelming debt. Here’s how we assist:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: We begin by thoroughly evaluating your financial situation to determine if Chapter 7 is the best option.
  • Asset Management: Our attorneys guide you through the process of liquidating assets to pay off creditors.
  • Filing and Documentation: We handle all the necessary paperwork and filings with the court to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  • Representation: We represent you in court proceedings, ensuring your rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy, often referred to as reorganization bankruptcy, allows businesses to continue operating while restructuring their debts. Here’s how we assist:

  • Initial Assessment: We start by assessing your financial situation to determine the viability of Chapter 11 for your business.
  • Developing a Reorganization Plan: Our attorneys work with you to create a comprehensive reorganization plan that restructures debts and outlines a path to profitability.
  • Court Filings and Representation: We manage all necessary filings and represent you in court to ensure your reorganization plan is approved.
  • Creditor Negotiations: We negotiate with creditors to adjust payment terms, reduce debt, and improve cash flow.


State and Federal Court Litigation

We offer comprehensive bankruptcy services, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 filings, to help businesses manage and overcome financial distress effectively. Our expert legal team provides tailored strategies to ensure the best possible outcomes…. Read More

bankruptcy case lawyer

Our attorneys represent clients in a wide range of legal disputes in both state and federal courts, ensuring robust defense and advocacy in complex litigation matters to protect your interests. … Read More

Business bankruptcy lawyer

We provide legal guidance on corporate governance, securities regulation, mergers and acquisitions, and compliance to help businesses navigate the complex regulatory landscape efficiently…. Read More

Real Estate bankruptcy lawyer

Our firm assists clients with transactions, leasing, development, and litigation related to commercial real estate, ensuring thorough legal support for all property-related matters and safeguarding your investments…. Read More

Insolvency and Loan Workouts:

Our experienced attorneys assist businesses facing insolvency by providing tailored solutions for debt management and financial recovery. We specialize in loan workouts, negotiating with creditors to restructure existing debt terms and avoid bankruptcy. Our goal is to create manageable repayment plans or reduce debt burdens, allowing businesses to regain financial stability while maintaining operations. Through strategic planning and expert legal advice, we help businesses navigate complex financial challenges and work towards sustainable recovery. Contact us to learn how we can support your business through insolvency and loan workout processes.

Business Bankruptcies:

We represent Debtors in regular Chapter 11 cases or Small Business Reorganization Act (“SBRA”) subchapter V Chapter 11 cases. SBRA is available to those who have 50% or more in business debt and no more than $7,500,000 in liquidated debt and is generally much less expensive than a normal Chapter 11 case as there are no U.S. Trustee’s quarterly fees and no need to file a disclosure statement. In a SBRA case, a trustee is appointed to, among other things, facilitate a plan between the debtor and creditors which could be a reorganization or a liquidating plan. We also represent entities in Chapter 7 liquidations.

Our Chapter 11 debtor services include all aspects of representation from filing the petition and a disclosure statement and plan to obtaining plan confirmation. We also file any necessary applications and motions in the bankruptcy case such as applications to retain professionals for the estate, removing lawsuits to the bankruptcy court, disclosure statements, proposed plans, or any type of motion needed to advance the case toward plan confirmation.

Our creditor representation focuses on protecting a creditor’s lien rights and includes, but is not limited to objecting to: (i) motions to use cash collateral, (ii) critical vendor motions, (iii) Notices of Insider Compensation, (iv) motions to determine value of security, (v) disclosure statements, (vi) chapter 11 plans, and (vii) fee applications. We also defend creditors from any adversary actions for preferences, avoidable transfers, or to determine the validity, priority, and extent of a lien.

Individual Bankruptcies:

We represent debtors seeking to discharge some or all of their debts in Chapter 7. We also defend defendants in adversary proceedings for denial of discharge under 11 U.S.C. §§ 523(a) and 727(a) and any contested matter to be heard in the Bankruptcy Court such as motions for relief from stay or an objection to a claim of exemption.

We represent Debtors in regular Chapter 11 cases or Small Business Reorganization Act (“SBRA”) subchapter V Chapter 11 cases. SBRA is available to those who have 50% or more in business debt and no more than $7,500,000 in liquidated debt and is generally much less expensive than a normal Chapter 11 case as there are no U.S. Trustee’s quarterly fees and no need to file a disclosure statement. In a SBRA case, a trustee is appointed to, among other things, facilitate a plan between the debtor and creditors which could be a reorganization or a liquidating plan.

We represent creditors in all aspects of an individual Chapter 7 case such as filing a proof of claim, defending an objection to a proof of claim, motions for relief from stay, objections to a debtor’s claim of exemption, etc. We also defend creditors from lawsuits filed by Chapter 7 Trustees such as preference actions under 11 U.S.C. § 547 or voidable transfer actions under the Bankruptcy Code or state law.

We also represent Chapter 7 Trustees as counsel for the bankruptcy estate to handle all general matters such as motions to sell the property of the estate, objections to proofs of claim, objections to claims of exemptions, and turnover motions. We also represent Trustees as special counsel by filing adversary matters to recover particular assets for the estate as preferences or voidable transfers.

Bankruptcy Motions:

Our legal team specializes in handling bankruptcy motions, which are critical filings in the bankruptcy process. These motions can include requests to dismiss or convert cases, motions for relief from the automatic stay, and objections to claims. We ensure that all filings are meticulously prepared and strategically argued to protect your interests. Our expertise in managing these motions helps streamline the bankruptcy process, addressing any legal challenges that arise and facilitating a smoother path to financial resolution. Contact us to discuss how we can assist with your bankruptcy motion needs.

Bankruptcy Adversary Matters:

Our firm specializes in handling bankruptcy adversary proceedings, which are lawsuits filed within a bankruptcy case. These matters can involve disputes over the dischargeability of debts, fraudulent transfers, and preferential payments. Our experienced attorneys provide strategic legal representation to protect your interests and resolve these complex disputes effectively. We navigate the intricacies of bankruptcy law to ensure favorable outcomes for our clients. Contact us for expert assistance with your bankruptcy adversary matters and to safeguard your financial interests during the bankruptcy process.

We defend debtors in adversary proceedings for the denial of a particular debt under (i) 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(2)(A) (fraud), (ii) § 523(a)(4) (breach of fiduciary duty or embezzlement), (iii) § 523(a)6) (willful and malicious injury), and (iv) for denial of discharge under 11 U.S.C. § 727(a). Frequently, we can also remove a state court lawsuit to the bankruptcy court so that it is heard by the bankruptcy judge that is hearing the debtor’s case which could result in an advantage for the debtor.

We also defend creditor defendants from the debtor and trustee preference actions under 11 U.S.C. § 547(a), voidable transfer actions under 11 U.S.C. § 548, determination of secured status, and the determination of the validity, priority, and extent of liens, among other types of adversary proceedings.

Bankruptcy Appeals:

We represent debtors, creditors, trustees and third parties in bankruptcy appeals to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Bankruptcy Appellate Panel, or to the United States District Court for the Central District of California. We can prosecute or defend any appeal. Should either the appellant or appellee be unsatisfied with the outcome at the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel or the U.S. District Court, we can then represent the client in a further appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

State and Federal Court Litigation:

We are also active in state and federal court in defending debtors and prosecuting creditor rights on notes, invoices and guarantees (or whenever a creditor is owed money), and defending or enforcing Judgments. These actions include post-judgment enforcement and if necessary voidable transfer actions to recover debtor property improperly transferred to a third party. Frequently, we obtain writs of attachment so the client can have a pre-judgment lien against the debtor’s personal and real property.

We also defend debtors in the collection, alter ego and guarantee actions and represent creditors in the same. We further prosecute and defend limited liability and corporate shareholder disputes.

Corporate Law:

We advise and help small and mid-sized businesses on pre-incorporation planning, corporate formation, including recommending the best corporate entity to accomplish your objectives, share issuance, corporate compliance and securities law issues.

Transactional Law:

We represent small and mid-sized businesses and individuals in transactions such as lease agreements and contracts to help our clients create strong agreements to protect their interests.

Commercial Real Estate Law:

We represent small and mid-sized businesses and individuals in the acquisition and sale and financing of a variety of real estate assets, including retail centers, office buildings, multi-family developments and other commercial properties. Our firm is also adept at resolving liens and other title problems.


FLP Law Group is a trusted bankruptcy law firm located in Los Angeles, California, with a specific focus on helping businesses in Marina del Rey file for bankruptcy. When your business is facing financial challenges, it’s important to have experienced legal guidance to help navigate the complex world of business bankruptcy. Here’s why hiring Marina Del Rey business bankruptcy lawyers is your best option:

  • Comprehensive Financial Analysis: We offer a thorough analysis of your business’s financial situation, including reviewing your debts, assets, and cash flow. This allows us to develop a customized strategy to help your business restructure or liquidate in a way that maximizes your interests.
  • Strategic Debt Restructuring: Our lawyers can help you negotiate with creditors to restructure your debts and create a manageable repayment plan. This can help you avoid bankruptcy altogether or minimize the impact of bankruptcy on your business.
  • Protection of Assets: We work to protect your business’s assets, including real estate, equipment, and intellectual property. Our lawyers have a deep understanding of bankruptcy exemptions and can help you identify assets that may be exempt from liquidation.
  • Personalized Service: We understand that each business is unique, and we offer personalized service tailored to your specific needs. Our lawyers take the time to understand your business and your goals, and we work closely with you to develop a strategy that aligns with your objectives.

When your business is facing financial challenges, it’s important to have experienced legal guidance. Our Marina Del Rey business bankruptcy lawyers offer comprehensive, personalized service to help your business navigate the complex world of business bankruptcy.

Get Legal Assistance From Small Business Bankruptcy Attorneys in Marina del Rey CA by contacting us.

Marina del Rey Business Bankruptcy FAQ's

Q: Can bankruptcy save your business?

A: Yes, bankruptcy can potentially save your business by providing a structured process to restructure or liquidate your debts. Chapter 11 bankruptcy, in particular, allows businesses to reorganize their debts while continuing to operate. With the guidance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can use bankruptcy to create a fresh financial start for your business.

Q: Do you need a bankruptcy attorney for small business restructuring?

A: Yes, it’s highly recommended to work with a bankruptcy attorney if you’re considering small business restructuring. Bankruptcy law is complex, and an attorney can help you navigate the process, negotiate with creditors, and protect your business’s assets. An experienced attorney can also help you explore all your options and determine the best course of action for your business’s financial future.

Q: How long does a bankruptcy stay on my credit report?

A: A bankruptcy typically stays on your credit report for 7-10 years, depending on the type of bankruptcy and when it was filed. Chapter 7 bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years, while Chapter 13 bankruptcy stays on for 7 years. While bankruptcy can have a significant impact on your credit score, it can also provide a fresh financial start and allow you to rebuild your credit over time.

Q: What debt can I get rid of in bankruptcy?


A: In bankruptcy, you can get rid of most unsecured debts, such as credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans. Secured debts, such as mortgages and car loans, can be restructured or surrendered in bankruptcy. Some debts, such as student loans and certain tax debts, may not be dischargeable in bankruptcy. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you understand which debts can be eliminated or restructured in bankruptcy and develop a strategy to maximize your debt relief.




United States District Court Affirms Fourth Fee Order After FLP Knocked Out $5 million in Claims


FLP’s judgment creditor client Remares Global, LLC levied, pre-petition, on about $3,033,215.05 that debtor fraudulently transferred to his irrevocable trust. The trustee asserted Remares was entirely unsecured and that all was property of the bankruptcy estate.

FLP Law Group LLP Recovers 100% Plus Attorney Fees and Interest for Client and Successfully Defends Appeal.


FLP attorney Alan Forsley obtained an $865,000 judgment, including attorney fees, for its plaintiff client. Forsley then defeated defendant’s motion to vacate the judgment and proceeded to collect 100% of the judgment plus interest and attorney’s fees.

FLP Obtains Individual Debtor Discharge in Contested Chapter 11 Case and removal of $1 million of Judgment Liens Against Her Home


Debtor’s 2009 Chapter 11 case was closed after consummation of her confirmed plan by prior counsel. Notwithstanding the confirmed plan, two pre-petition law firms each obtained $500,000 judgments against Debtor and recorded liens against her multi-million home.



State bar of California


I am forever grateful to Alan Forsley for defending me from an extremely aggressive creditor by winning two separate trials and 10 appeals that flowed from those trials and my bankruptcy case.

D. Davis

Attorney Alan Forsley took the time to truly understand the complexity of my case and planned ahead with a winning strategy. Alan was very professional and always willing to explain strategies to me so I could learn and understand throughout the process. With his experience and knowledge, Alan helped my family and I receive a fantastic settlement!

A. Han

I feel extremely fortunate that Alan Forsley was willing and able to represent me when I discovered that I was being betrayed and defrauded by my fiduciary with whom I had a relationship of more than ten years. Due to Alan’s diligence and expertise I was able to recover in excess of a million dollars of assets.

B. Wilkerson


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