
Career Advice to My 26 Year Old Self

January 23rd was the 46th anniversary of the day I became a member of the California Bar. I had passed the July Bar Exam, was clerking for US District Judge Milton Pollack in Manhattan when I passed, and got permission to be admitted in absentia by any court of record. I asked Judge Pollack to swear me in, in his chambers. “Do you solemnly promise to do whatever it says you’re supposed …


The Rest of the Story

Paul Harvey, a conservative radio broadcaster who passed away in 2009, had a long-running radio show, which included segments called “The Rest of the Story.” Harvey pointed out the unknown and unexpected aspects of familiar subjects. Which made me recall three recent signature BHBA events, and how we learned the rest of the story. For example, Morgan Chu, partner at Irell & Manella …