
FLP delivers Memorial Bankruptcy

On March 2, 2018, FLP’s Marc Lieberman delivers Howard N. Madris Memorial Bankruptcy for Litigators Presentation to the Santa Monica Bar Association with former Chapter 7 trustee John Monte.


Alan Forsley presents Bankruptcy Program on Chapter 11 Plan Confirmation Issues

On June 12, 2018, FLP’s Alan Forsley presented a program on Chapter 11 Plan Confirmation at the James T. King Bankruptcy American Inn of Court to over 40 bankruptcy attorneys and judges.


Alan Forsley Speaks on How Trusts Are Affected By a Bankruptcy Filing

On February 21, 2019, FLP’s Alan Forsley presented a continuing legal education program on how the trust settlors, trustees, and beneficiaries as well as trust property are impacted by a bankruptcy filing. Mr. Forsley’s talk was presented …


Mr. Forsley Presents Program on the Small Business Reorganization Act

On January 29, 2020, FLP’s Alan Forsley presented a program at the Beverly Hills Bar Association on the Small Business Reorganization Act which became effective February 2020.


Mr. Forsley Presents Further Program on the Small Business Reorganization Act

On February 27, 2020, FLP’s Alan Forsley presented a program at the Bankruptcy Inn of Court meeting held at the Jonathan Club, downtown Los Angeles, on the Small Business Reorganization Act which became effective February 2020. In addition to …

Real Estate

California Real Property Seller’s Beware: Know Your Buyer or Else!

As if California real property sellers didn’t have enough to worry about, on July 17, 2015, the Federal District Court in Los Angeles sent a shiver down the spines of sellers when it handed down its order in In re Walldesign, Inc. In Walldesign, Donald Buresh and his wife Karen Philips sold a piece of commercial real estate in 2009 to Michael Bello, the president and sole shareholder of …

Bankruptcy Chapter 13

A Second Bite at the Apple: When a Debtor Can Obtain a Discharge in a Chapter 13 Case Even After Her Discharge is Denied or Revoked in an Earlier Chapter 7 Case

A debtor whose discharged is denied or revoked in a Chapter 7 case cannot discharge in a later Chapter 7 case claims incurred before the prior case. 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(10). However, for individuals who qualify for Chapter 13, the denial or revocation of discharge in an earlier Chapter 7 case might not preclude the granting of a so-called “super-discharge” in a later-filed Chapter …


The Rule of Law

Most lawyers join bar associations for networking, community service and professional development. I joined the Century City Bar Association for a different reason. I had lost an important case and believed the law was unfair as written. I was upset. I knew that California was more focused on statutes than judge-made law and that the BHBA was very active in law reform through the Conference of …


A Very Bad Friday the Thirteenth

Friday the 13 th (of November) was a very bad day. My Friday began with a report of an Israeli family ambushed on the road south of Hebron, father and son dead, mother and daughter injured in the back of their van, when the Red Crescent ambulance passed by and decided not to stop for Israelis. It ended with the six separate systematic attacks and 129 deaths in Paris. President Obama said it was …


Career Advice to My 26 Year Old Self

January 23rd was the 46th anniversary of the day I became a member of the California Bar. I had passed the July Bar Exam, was clerking for US District Judge Milton Pollack in Manhattan when I passed, and got permission to be admitted in absentia by any court of record. I asked Judge Pollack to swear me in, in his chambers. “Do you solemnly promise to do whatever it says you’re supposed …